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What to I do when an injury occurs.

If you think you have sustained an injury during any practice or game, you must notify the Athletic Trainer or the School Nurse as soon as possible. Follow PRICE for acute injury management. Seek medical attention if needed.
P Protect the area from further injury.
R Rest! Do not walk it out, this usually makes things worse.
I ICE (not heat) for the first 72 hours after injury
C Compression - using an ACE wrap or compression bandage will help to keep inflammation in control
E Elevate the injured limb to help control inflammation
Insurance - MVRHS provides accident insurance for covered expenses for all enrolled students while at school, traveling to/from school, and at school-sponsored activities. In the event of injury to your child, please report the injury as soon as possible to the school nurse or athletic trainer. The school nurse or athletic trainer will provide you with the claim forms and information needed.
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