Information for Coaches
Head Injuy Law
The state of Massachusetts has passed a law regarding the management of head injuries and concussions. It is imperative that all coaches understand the law and follow the MVRHS Head Injury Procedures when there is a head injury.
Please refer to the tabs Below for the full documents and link to the required concussion course.
"When in doubt, sit them out!"
Get CPR/AED & First Aid Certified
It is highly recommended that all coaches be certified in CPR/AED and First Aid. The Athletic Trainer and School Nurse are certified American Heart Association instructors. If you would like to become certified, please contact the Athletic Trainer, School Nurse, or Athletic Director and we will schedule a time.
There are two ways to become certified;
- You may take the full course with a group at MVRHS. This can take 4-6 hours.
- You may take the online couse at your convienience and then do a skills test with the Athletic Trainer or School Nurse. This skills test should take about 15-30 minutes depending on the couse taken.
Injury Reporting
It is of utmost importance that all injuries are reported to the Athletic Trainer or School Nurse ASAP.
This is especially important in the event of a head injury, any injury that resulted in an off Island ER visit, or if the athlete was removed from play.
This is important to ensure that an injured student athlete gets appropriate medical treatment and receives school insurance forms. Insurance claims are time sensitive. Claims must be submitted within 90 days of injury.
Medical Documents, Daily Limitations, Purple Passes
Medical Documents
All medical documents must be subitted to the Athletic Trainer or School Nurse. Coaches should not collect any medical documents or notes. If an athlete was out with an injury, final clearance must come from the Athletic Trainer or School Nurse.
Daily Limitation List
The Daily Limitation List (M-F) is distributed to the coaching staff and physical education teachers. The athletes on the Daily Limitation List may not participate in any practice or game (or Physical Education class) until cleared by the School Nurse or Athletic Trainer. It is the responsibility of the coach and PE teacher to make sure that athletes on this list are not practicing or are following the conditions set. Coaches must check this daily list.
Sports Physicals that expire during the season
Coahes will be emailed a list of athletes whose sports physical will expire during the season. It is the coaches responsibility to make sure that athletes do not participate in practice or games if their sports physical has expired. MIAA regulations require that all athlets must have a current sports physical in order to participate.
From the MIAA Handbook
PENALTY: A student in violation shall be suspended for the number of contests in which he/she participated without a proper physical.
Sports Clearance
No more purple passes. All athletes will register on Family ID prior to the start of sports. Registration will open one month prior to the first practice. Please tell your athletes to resgister early as it may take several days to process.
The coach will be given a list of all cleared athletes prior to the first practice.